The dumbfuck du jour? Republican congresswoman Lynn Jenkins of Kansas, who has probably never come face to face with a black constituent in her 99.9% WASP district. When discussing her party's prospects for the 2012 election, she said, "Republicans are struggling right now to find the great white hope."
For those familiar with the first black heavyweight boxing champion, Jack Johnson, white racist boxing fans were openly yearning back in the early 1900's for a Caucasian challenger to emerge, referred to as a "great white hope." The heavyweight title later went to Jim L. Jeffries, who went on record to state, "I am going into this fight for the sole purpose of proving that a white man is better than a Negro."
So why mince words, Ms. Jenkins? Just come out and tell us how you really feel. How about "Republicans need to defeat that arrogant, suit-wearing darkie in 2012" or "We need a fresh face to help return America to its tried-and-true white family values." And ironically, she presides over the northeast Kansas community of Hiawatha, named after the Native American leader whose people were treated like savages by early white American settlers. These days, white Kansans have moved away from tormenting Indians in favor of assassinating abortion doctors and waving "God Hates Fags" signs at Iraq War vet funerals.
Here's another example of how ignorant white people show the duality of their cultural illiteracy and their deep-seated racism. The process is simple. Make a public statement that includes an impromptu slur. Wait for backlash to ensue from bloggers, media, pundits, talk radio, etc. Have your spokesperson issue an apology for the "poor choice of words" and give a revised quote with more PC phraseology. Then atone for your sins by singing in church with your eyes closed and ending your sentences with "in the name of God." Just pray and it will all go away.
These stupid fucking white tyrant politicians are the catalysts behind the last several decades of civil rights abuses and mistreatment of minorities in this country. They bastardize Christianity in order to affirm their agenda and spit on those with darker skin in order to take a step forward. And they always get a free pass for it, no matter what. Why can't we have them all choke on the foot that's already in their mouths instead?
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