You socialist fucks have the nerve to say stop the violence at the town hall meetings when they weren't violent until you pussies showed up because your nigger leader obama said to?????? When we have ours in Racine, Wi, I want you there. I want one of your little bitches to put his hands on this Marine. I want one of you to look or talk to me wrong. I'll be the last thing your ignorant faux body guards will remember for a very long time. You can fucking guarantee that.
Yes, that's right. When white people see that they're losing their way and want to undo change, they resort to gun threats. All of these graduates of the Tim McVeigh Institute of Conflict Resolution seem to have several common threads: white, conservative, fundamentalist Christian, ex-military, gun owner. But they never operate alone, they form armies and militias so that they can go to war against their own people.
What is it with white people and their guns? They collect them, name them, write country songs about them, go to shows solely to showcase and buy them. When have they received a direct threat of confiscation (unless they've actually murdered someone)? When has a politician stated outright, "I will pass laws to take away your M-16's and AK-47's"? It's all a delusion in their heads. The truth, which only the e-mailer above will admit, is that white people own guns primarily for one reason: to threaten and kill those who oppose them. Seven million people have applied for background checks toward gun purchases since the November 2008 election. And the President gets 40 deaths threats a day.
White gun owners and Islamic terrorists have one thing in common: they will never stop until the socialists, communists, blacks, immigrants, Jews and all of those other non-Americans are bleeding to death. They live their lives with the delusion that America will be attacked from outside forces. WRONG! America will be attacked from within and it will most definitely be at the hands of one of our own.
There's my take on white people and their love for guns. If you don't like it, then fuck off. Shoot me. It's the only way you'll get me to shut up.
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