Let's go back in time to see where this began. The white settlers of America had a firm belief in manifest destiny, relishing in the rape and pillage of this land's original inhabitants. Subsequent generations would cheer this nation into a civil war to support slavery, and would later seek to institutionalize racism via lynching, segregation, bashing of non-European immigrants and the occasional torching of black neighborhoods.

Now that we are a nation under the leadership of a black President, the current malaise of white Americans who grew from these shameful phases in American history have become more extreme, concentrated and violent. They're ramping up the fear and rhetoric for a race war, nuclear holocaust, cultural jihad, second coming or anything that will allow their movement to be even marginally vilified. They'll engage in projection by comparing Obama to the same Nazis that are probably a few generations back in their own bloodlines. Don't like our scream-o-rama's at town halls? Good, we'll shoot you.
Yes, white Americans are the problem with our country, and I plan to demonstrate that in every possible way. I know you won't like it, but most of you hate truth and change anyway, so my expectations are beyond low.
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