A look at where the real threats to America lie.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Need Help? Too Bad. White People Don't Give A Shit

At a recent business function in Las Vegas, I was introduced to a vendor who I had spoken with over the phone but had never met in person. Let's just say that his name was "Bill O'Reilly" or something (not his real name). Early 60's, white hair, Irish to the core with a Boston accent. What does he bring up as a group topic of conversation? The stimulus package. He moans about all of those "entitlement programs" that are in it.

Wow. What is it with white people and their aggravation over those in need getting government assistance? As a legal term, entitlement carries no value judgment: it simply denotes a right granted, which we refer to as a program like Social Security, Medicare, welfare etc. But it was most likely some white sonofabitch who decided to create negative connotations by defining entitlement as "government handouts to black, brown and yellow people using white taxpayer dollars." Guess what, shitheads? The majority of them pay taxes themselves. And members of your ivory-skinned family probably get government assistance as well. But it's a whole new ballgame if you white folk have to subsidize those needy bottom-feeders, huh? I know that you have no problem with the day laborers you pick up on the corner in your van to landscape your backyard. Or that undocumented mamacita who cleans your house once a week. You're the same fuckheads who complain about all those non-contributor illegals who use our system, yet here you are paying them under the table because you must have the gazebo with a rose garden and a Weber grill.

Texas, the home state of that White Royal Family of Bushes, is notorious for short-changing those in need within their borders. The Lone Star State's government believes that you're entitled to breathe its air for free, and that's about it. Want assistance to help feed your family because you lost your job or your house? Governor Rick Perry will not only laugh his ass off at you, he'll most likely send you an autographed "fuck off" letter telling you that you're shit outta luck, pilgrim. What's even more fucked up about Texas is that, just like Palin's twisted state of Alaska, they'll threaten to secede from the U.S. when they realize that Republicans no longer control Washington. They'd rather become a foreign country than answer to a black man in the White House. These fucking ignorant hypocrites call themselves "patriots" while denouncing their own country just for cheap political points and ginned-up anger. Good going, you Texan assholes! You voted that used car salesman into power, and your decision proved to be almost as bad as those intellectually challenged elitist whites that made Arnold Fucking Schwarzenegger the governor of California!

FDR felt that the government had a responsibility to provide for the common good of its people. Unfortunately, the late great Mr. Roosevelt didn't realize at the time that greed, power, personal gain and approval from gun-toting rednecks made that sentiment very inconvenient. In some states, the primary objective of those white bureaucrats is to make life as miserable as possible for the handicapped, elderly, unemployed and underprivileged.

So if you're darker in skin tone, you should expect nothing whatsoever from a white-controlled state government. Your Congressman won't care, he or she is too busy greasing the palms of lobbyists and cranking up pork projects for his or her district. The mayor is preoccupied with bribes and kickbacks, so he or she can't attend to your issues right now. And don't even think about calling your Senator(s), because they'll refuse to get within fifty yards of a voter. One of their aides will probably read you some boilerplate script about how much they care about their state's needs and will fight for you in Congress for assistance. Then you'll go vote for them and they'll return the favor by putting your gullible and penniless ass out on the the street.

So the "Bill O'Reilly's" of the world just can't cope with entitlement, unless it's his right to happy hour at the tennis club or a two-for-one suit sale. Everyone else can just kiss his white ass. If you think I'm exaggerating, just call or write a white elected official and see what kind of response you get. I guarantee that you'll be treated worse than the speck of dogshit that's stuck on the sole of their shoe.

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An observer of the hatred and bias that comes from evil white America.
