A look at where the real threats to America lie.

Friday, August 14, 2009

The New White Priority: A Dead Black President

According to ABC News, the drive by white American extremists to assassinate the nation's first black President is now full steam ahead. As I previously noted, the White Liberation Army is actively recruiting and the rhetoric against Obama is getting uglier by the day. Here's a recent quote from Mark Potok, director of the Intelligence Project at the Southern Poverty Law Center:

"I think the president has, in effect, triggered fears amongst fairly large numbers of white people in this country that they are somehow losing their country, that the battle is lost. The nation that their Christian white forefathers created has somehow been taken from them."

The notable surge in threats and proclamations of "Death to Obama" from angry white people is no big surprise. It has little to do with health care reform or bailouts or abortion or cap-and-trade or whatever issue these hotheads are bitching about. It's because the federal government is now under the control of a black man, and that scares the living shit out of paranoid white people. You have to understand that whites simply don't believe in minorities getting ahead. When a white Republican (McCain) badly loses an election to an uppity liberal Negro, then America is seen as being held hostage by a dictator. But the impenetrable white psyche has always been biased in this manner.

Take our nation's justice system, for example, which, according to white people, must always tilt in their favor. White L.A. cops getting away with an assault of a black man caught on video? That's white justice. A white CEO steals billions and gets sentenced to country club prison, while a black man steals $24 from a liquor store and gets hard time in a dungeon-like cell? Yes, that's white justice again. So now we're seeing this volatile combination of overt racism and flat-out know-nothingism from dumb hicks in the deep south and just-as-dumb hicks in the Pacific Northwest....heck, it seems that this kind of jaw-dropping stupidity doesn't discriminate according to region. Dumb white racists are infecting this country at a very alarming rate. And just like that lyric from Randy Newman's "Rednecks", the White Liberation Front is "gatherin' 'em up from miles around, keepin' the niggers down."

And this pales in comparison to the civil rights atrocities of the last century. Back then, minorities had little to no chance of equality since Dixiecrat racism was so deeply institutionalized. Now, the Angry White Mob just hates being told what to do by some well-spoken darkie in a suit and tie. They fear that more of their white brethren are leaving the U.S. and a disproportionate number of immigrants are taking their place. They don't like having neighbors in their upper middle class suburbs with skin darker than theirs. They can't stand those fucking wetbacks who get nightly video coverage on the Lou Dobbs show. They're just angry that advantages which were once exclusive to whites only are now open for just about anyone else, including the chance to be President of the United States. Fuck Reconstruction and emancipation, or those fucking Jim Crow laws. White people want a return to an America like the late 1700's, and they're willing to commit treason, murder and capital crimes just to make it happen.

Already, we've seen the dumbass who wore a holstered pistol at a recent Obama town hall. And waving a sign with a slogan similar to what Timothy McVeigh had on the back of his t-shirt before he bombed the Oklahoma City Federal Building. Then there's the whackjob who tried to bring a knife into that same town hall and had a loaded gun in his truck. And the guy at a separate town hall with cards that read "Death to Obama" and "Death to Michelle and her stupid kids". And all it takes is a Google search via terms like "obama hitler" and "obama socialism" etc and you'll find plenty of human debris out there who seek to ratchet up the calls for violent retribution against the dictator they despise so much. In the same manner that Islamic radicals want to see the next Osama Bin Ladin or Mohammed Atta unleashed, the American White Taliban are eager for this century's Lee Harvey Oswald or James Earl Ray to stop Barack Hussein Obama for good.

Yes, you can't just isolate the race factor when it comes to white Obama hatred, since we have a black GOP leader in RNC director Michael Steele. But the fact that Obama has control over America's citizenry as the leader of the free world is light years beyond any kind of power grab that Steele could ever manage. For enraged white people, Obama's race is the icing on the cake , the gasoline-dipped rag in the Molotov cocktail, the match that sets the fuse ablaze, the popping forehead vein that makes them crack, the absolute final straw. It's why just the mere act of killing his agenda is just not enough. White people only see two ideal choices for a President: either a white Christianist one or a dead black one. They just can't cope with reality any other way.

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An observer of the hatred and bias that comes from evil white America.
